Is Defragmentation Useful?

Really? We need this?
Well! Well! Let me answer your question, why?
I’m not going to bore you with usual definition that you’ll easily lookup on google.
Let me introduce what is Defragmentation first:
Defragmentation is just a simple technique that arranges all the related data together to a file, to speed up the average response time of HDD, the space is consolidated in one contiguous block; that free contiguous memory locations are available to store future data.

Lets understand with a simple example, everyone in their school life have once gone to a tour or something like or movie with your friend’s group. Generally, our school teacher prefer to take the whole students in a row or in contiguous line (or something like), so that accessing time of a particular student is very small, similarly we try to book the cinema hall tickets adjacent to our friends in contiguous form, because ease of access.
Exactly same happens inside the HDD, the OS is continuously reading, writing ,deleting, allocating size to store data, if not contiguous size available for the required data size then size is allocated but not the contiguous location and that greater numbers of files contribute to fragmentation and consequent performance loss. To reduce the access time of data from HDD, the concept of Defragmentation is used.

Every time most of the HDD user notice that after 8 to 10 weeks of use, the laptop becomes slow. It won’t give the performance that we usually see in new HDD. The most relevant reason behind that is not the contiguous memory location in which our data is stored.

Let me conclude this long paragraph, I know reading paragraph is so boring. In simple words Defragmentation is organization of memory and free space so that computer’s response time reduces.

To run Defragmentation:
Start -> (Search)Defragmentation and Optimize drives -> Select the drive -> Click Optimize.
It’s just like getting a piece of cake, leaving what’s going behind the scene, as a user perspective we don’t deep dive into to the layer of Abstraction.